Bolt Action takes place in 28mm, and Flames of War is a 15mm tabletop game. These games allow you to explore the conflicts of the early 20th Century in two scales. Games like Bolt Action from Warlord Games or Flames of War from Battlefront Miniatures are two of the most prominent names in the FLGS and hobby stores. Now we have a vast array of tabletop wargames and World War 2 or WW2 is a time that is depicted in many different tabletop wargames. As time went by this was developed and eventually made it onto the tabletops of players at home. Tabletop wargaming can be traced all the way back to the abstract of war that is chess, however tabletop wargaming as we know it began much later in around 1812 when German and Prussian militaries created rules to play out battles to train their officers.